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Ask Greg! Q&A Series: Ensuring Wellness on International Flights

Ask Greg! Q&A Series: What are some ways I can improve my experience at an airport security checkpoint? 1Holiday Vacations Chief Operating Officer Greg Barnes answers your travel questions.

One of our Facebook followers asked us how to arrive at an international destination rested and ready to enjoy their vacation. I think this is a very important question because we want our guests in a good position to begin their vacation after a long flight.

While packing,

  • For a peaceful flight, bring eye shades and ear plugs.
  • To help stay warm, bring a sweater or use the blanket provided by your flight attendant.
  • Be sure any medication you may need during your flight is in your carry-on luggage.

Before the trip,

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Try adjusting your sleep and wake schedule to reflect the times you will rest and wake at your destination.

During the flight,

  • Get up and stretch every now and then. You can stretch in your seat too – try rolling your neck and ankles or stretching your arms, shoulders.
  • Drink plenty of water during your flight.
  • Consider abstaining from alcohol, which will dehydrate you.

When you arrive at your destination,

  • Be sure to get some fresh air.
  • Whatever time of day you land, go to bed after 8pm. It will help you adjust to your new time zone.

We want all of our guests to enjoy a carefree and memorable vacation. If you have a question you would like to add to our Ask Greg! Q&A series, message us on our Facebook page or email [email protected]. We may answer your question in another blog post soon!

Posted on February 15th, 2017 in Our Stories, Travel Tips

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