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Group Photo Contest Winners

Thank you to all participants who voted in our 2019 photo contest! In recent months we polled hundreds of people to see what they thought was the best group photo taken by a Tour Director last season in three categories: Alaska, Domestic, and International. All participants’ names went into a randomly-selected drawing for a $500 travel voucher for an upcoming Holiday Vacations tour and a short profile of our lucky Holiday Vacations traveler.

We drew a name out of a hat and … voila! Lanette C. is our lucky winner! Congratulations Lanette!

Lanette has been on three Holiday Vacations tours: She has joined us in Alaska, the Canadian Rockies, Switzerland, and in September she has plans to join us for our African Safari with her husband.

Why Africa? “It’s been on my bucket list!” said Lanette. “I’d just like to see the animals … giraffes and zebras and tigers. We looked up the accommodations and my husband is pretty excited about the coffee plantation with an 18-hole golf course.”

Lanette has done quite a lot of traveling in her life. Her husband is from Norway and has visited the country at least five times. Her favorite places to visit include the Caribbean, particularly the Dominican Republic and Jamaica, and Yellowstone National Park. “Our goal is to hit every National Park,” Lanette said. “We’re accumulating visits over the years.”

We asked Lanette if she would recommend Holiday Vacations to a friend. “Yes! And I have!” she said. “They are there for us no matter the time of day. It is really nice.”

Other destinations on her bucket list include Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, the Danube River, Paris, and the Panama Canal. We are pleased to offer group tours to all of these destinations.

Alaska Group Photo Winner

The following photo is our winner of the Group Photo Contest’s Alaska category. Holiday Vacations Tour Director Phil Fieber shares his story of that incredible day.

The following photo is our winner of the Group Photo Contest's Alaska category. Holiday Vacations To

“This group photo was taken at Denali on July 18, 2018. Our group of 46 were guests from all over the US. Our Wilderness Tour of Denali started at 7am with very clear skies. Our guests also saw an abundance of wildlife in the morning ride through the park. While skies started to cloud up a little during the morning, we continued to stop frequently to view bear, caribou, sheep and moose.

We finally arrived at the turnaround and our Wilderness Tour driver took the photo on my iPad. Then, of course, on the return trip we saw a pack of wolves! Great day for our Holiday Vacation guests, and their tour director”

– Phil Fieber, Holiday Vacations Tour Director

Domestic Group Photo Winner

The following photo is our winner of the Group Photo Contest’s Domestic category. Holiday Vacations Tour Director Shari Osterude shares her story of that day.

The following photo is our winner of the Group Photo Contest's Domestic category. Holiday Vacations

“This was another amazing adventure through Glacier, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. We were accompanied by picture perfect weather and a wide array of wildlife, including bear, bison, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep and eagles. The clouds had been creeping in on this day, which was the day of our scenic tour of the Tetons. But when we stopped at Jenny Lake, the clouds began to break up and this made for a beautiful group photo. This was one of the many perfect photo ops we had with spectacular views. What a perfect ending for a trip filled with natural wonders, especially for one of our couples who was enjoying their fifth Holiday Vacations tour together. In fact, they met on a Holiday trip five years ago, got married shortly thereafter and have been taking an annual Holiday Vacations trip ever since. Welcome to the Holiday family!”

– Shari Osterude, Holiday Vacations Tour Director

International Group Photo Winner

The following photo is our winner of the Group Photo Contest’s International category.
Group Photo Contest 12

Posted on June 6th, 2019 in Our Stories

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