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Maybe you’ve been taught that having your head in the clouds is a bad thing, but in these unprecedented times, daydreaming may actually be a healthy part of your daily mental wellness. The key is where you let your mind wander! In this #OneWeekofDreaming, dream a little (or big!) dream with us. We’ll be focusing on the five senses (and your imagination).

Posted on May 18th, 2020 in Roam from Home

OneWeekofDreaming - Sight


Dream of treats for the eyes with this video of gorgeous northern light. Take a moment to relax, you’ve earned it!

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OneWeekofDreaming - Sound


Celebrate the sense of sound and dream in music. Appreciate how music can define a region’s character. *Turn up the volume!*

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OneWeekofDreaming - Touch


Appreciate the sensation of touch in our travels. Our minds immediately go to Hawaii where, among other sensations, you feel the delight of sand between your toes.

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OneWeekofDreaming - Taste


Savor seasonal produce, freshly homemade pasta, and regionally caught seafood. Close your eyes and taste the flavors of the world.

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OneWeekofDreaming - Smell


Cast our minds to Northern California and deeply inhale the scent of giant redwoods. What lovely smells do you anticipate in your future travels?

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OneWeekofDreaming - Imagination


Exercise our imaginations to their fullest extent in a land that still embodies its wonderful ancient stories, culture, and even magic.

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