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Our Kuleana (responsibility)

Native Hawaiians have a word they like to use to describe their personal responsibility to the land, their communities, and their families: Kuleana.

In the light of recent volcanic activity on Kilauea, we know you may have concerns about traveling to Hawaii. We feel like it is our “Kuleana” to assure you that Mount Kilauea’s activity is affecting just one percent of The Big Island and Holiday Vacations would never knowingly put guests at risk.
Kamokuna ocean entry in Hawaii's Volcano National Park Hawaii’s Big Island did not suddenly erupt. In fact, Kilauea has been erupting and venting since 1983. These occasions are not unexpected, and the impressions we get from news broadcasts covering Hawaii may exaggerate our perspectives of an otherwise perfectly peaceful paradise.

“Air quality is safe in the Hawaiian Islands,” said Hawaii Governor David Ige on May 25. “Visitors will be welcomed with open arms and treated to the hospitality, aloha, warmth, and natural beauty found everywhere in Hawaii. The bottom line there is no reason for travelers to avoid making their plans in the Hawaiian islands due to safety concerns because of Kilauea volcano.”

Danger do not enter area close sign, Kilauea craterThe activity is confined to The Big Island’s isolated southeast corner. As a precautionary measure the most affected parts of Volcanoes National Park are temporarily closed, but all other resorts and attractions on The Big Island will be operating normally.

When you travel with Holiday Vacations, safety and security for our guests is paramount to all other factors. That is our “Kuleana” to you.

Posted on July 9th, 2018 in Hawaii

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