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Capture Your Travel Inspiration Online – Meet Pinterest

Capture Your Travel Inspiration Online – Meet Pinterest 2Discover how to use Pinterest to explore new travel destinations and plan your next getaway.

Remember the days of clipping photos and articles out of magazines so that you could create an “inspiration file”? Dreaming about your future plans for everything from home décor to new recipes and, of course, travel is a wonderful process.

The same idea for clipping your inspiration from magazines has migrated online in the form of Pinterest. From planning your dream trip to Australia to capturing your favorite things Alaska, Pinterest is a wonderful tool for vacation planning.

To get started, come visit Holiday Vacations on Pinterest to see some fun ideas on ways you can use this online inspiration board to start organizing your travel inspiration today. If you have not used Pinterest before, here’s how you can get started!


Start an Account / Log into Your Account

Capture Your Travel Inspiration Online – Meet Pinterest 1

  • If you don’t already have an account, go to and follow the instructions on the front screen. You’ll simply need to enter an email and then create a password to get started. Pinterest will walk you through the account creation process.
  • If you already have an account, click Log In from the main page. It’s a gray button in the upper right hand corner of the page.

Begin Your Search for Travel Inspiration

Start by checking out Holiday Vacations’ Pinterest page and start getting ideas about where you’d like to travel and what you’d like to see. We have a variety of pins that showcase locations you can travel with us as well as inspiration from our destination partners around the world.

Another option to expand your search is using the search bar at the top of the page. This search is like Google. You type in the description of what you are looking for to get started. For example, when typing in “Australia” one of the first pins that comes up is called Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia. This links to an article from LonelyPlanet.

Start Pinning

If you find something that you want to save, it’s time to start pinning. For example, when you are on Holiday Vacations Pinterest page, you find a great pin about San Antonio’s River Walk. How do you go about saving it?

Capture Your Travel Inspiration Online – Meet Pinterest

  • On the pin, there is a big red “Save” button at the top. Press that.
    • It will then bring up another page where you can choose a board. Haven’t created any boards yet? That’s OK! You can do that on this page by selecting “Create board” at the bottom. You can then name your board. It can be whatever you want; choose a name that makes sense to you. Examples could include San Antonio, Traveling in Texas or Bucket List Travels.
    • Then you press “Create” and the pin photo and article are now part of your new Pinterest board. Congratulations!
  • If you have boards that already exist, you can choose that board from the previous list and it will also then be added to your list of photos and articles you previously pinned.

Your Pin Feed is Customized to You

When you log in to Pinterest, the first place you will go is what is known as your “news feed”. You’ll see a bunch of pins there – but why? These pins are a combination of pins similar to what you’ve pinned and the boards and people you follow. Every time you log into Pinterest, your news feed will be updated with fresh content that reflects your interests. The more you pin, the more interesting your news feed will become.

Time to Get Started

With that information, you should be set to start developing your Pinterest account. In addition to searching for boards, you can also follow people or boards by clicking a red “Follow” button that is the top of the page for that account. Here are a couple we recommend to get you started:

We can’t wait to see you out there dreaming and capturing inspiration for your next bucket list vacation with Holiday Vacations! Happy pinning!

Posted on February 15th, 2018 in Our Stories

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