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Ways to Save 1

Stretching Your Travel Dollars with Holiday Vacations

Posted on October 22nd, 2019 in Travel Tips

Holiday Vacations makes completing your travel bucket list easy. With travel packages that include all airfare, deluxe hotels, many meals, and the best attractions, it is hard to find a better value. But did you know, we also offer a handful of programs and special offers that can help you save hundreds on your next […]

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What Kind of Traveler are You?

What Kind of Traveler are You?

Posted on October 22nd, 2019 in Our Stories, Travel Tips

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Reimagining Our Catalogs

Reimagining Our Catalogs

Posted on October 22nd, 2019 in Our Stories

We have been doing a lot of thinking about our catalogs lately: How can we improve our catalogs? What else do readers want to know? What can we do to make our catalogs a more enjoyable reading experience? With the 2020 tour season approaching, the last few months have been a good opportunity to review […]

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Holiday Vacations Donates to the 27th Annual “Kids ‘N Cops” Program

Holiday Vacations Donates to the 27th Annual “Kids ‘N Cops” Program

Posted on October 22nd, 2019 in Our Stories

Holiday Vacations is pleased to support the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Office’s 27th annual “Kids ‘N Cops” program. Each year, underprivileged children in Wisconsin’s Eau Claire County join up with local law enforcement officers for a fun-filled day together. Children meet at the nearby Target SuperCenter where an officer joins them to shop for clothes, […]

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